
“Holleyman” is a CrossFit Hero WOD named in honor of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, who died in Iraq in 2007. Here’s the structure:
30 rounds for time:
• 5 Wall Ball Shots (20 pounds to 10 feet for males, 14 pounds to 9 feet for females)
• 3 Handstand Push-Ups
• 225-pound (155-pound for females) Power Clean, 1 rep
1. Sustainable Pacing: Given the high number of rounds, find a pace that allows you to maintain consistency across all rounds.
2. Efficient Wall Ball Shots: Focus on proper wall ball technique, ensuring the ball hits the target at the specified height. Use your legs to generate power.
3. Handstand Push-Up Scaling: If handstand push-ups are challenging, consider using an abmat or scaling to pike push-ups while maintaining a full range of motion.
4. Form on Power Cleans: Maintain proper form on power cleans. Break the movement into manageable sets to avoid fatigue.
Completing the workout within 30-45 minutes is a common goal. Elite athletes may aim for sub-30 minute times.
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